Once placed onto the SPMTs, transport to the river bank could start. The position of the SPMTs under the bridge was accurately calculated in advance by the engineers of Wagenborg Engineering.
Meanwhile two 500-tonne mobile cranes had been positioned on the other side of the water. On the side where the bridge was mounted two 400-tonne mobile cranes were set up.
Then the beautiful interaction started between 2 x 500-tonne mobile cranes on the one hand and the SPMTs on the other hand. The two 500-tonne cranes together kept one side of the bridge in position from the other side of the water, while the SPMTs manoeuvred the bridge (by shuttling alternately) further and further to and across the water.
Once far enough, 2 x 400-tonne mobile cranes took over from the SPMTs and the bridge could be positioned on the abutments with the help of a total of 4 mobile cranes.
The Podiumbrücke project presented particular challenges, which were successfully completed through proper preparation and engineering by the Wagenborg Nedlift specialists:
The Kubaai programme is an urban regeneration project in Bocholt as part of which a bridge is built between the past and the future. Old industrial areas will be redeveloped and connected to the city. The Podiumbrücke is an important link and also designed for performing arts.