Wagenborg Nedlift - safe and efficient lifting partner in civil construction industry

What can we do for you?

Directly to Crane rental
  • Safety first!

  • Skilled and experienced

  • 24/7 available

Safe and efficient

In the construction sector, it's all about working efficiently to ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget. How can lifting operations be properly integrated into the construction process? And what to do if there are several cranes working on one construction site?

A difficult issue for you, but for our specialists it is a challenge that they are happy to take up. With their expertise and experience with lifting operations on all kinds of small and large construction projects, they offer an efficient lifting solution for your construction project. Always reliable, always safe.

Deployment of riggers

'Hooking': sometimes left to inexperienced employees on the construction site. This can lead to risky situations with all the consequences. 

At Wagenborg Nedlift, we consider hooking loads an important profession. Employees follow a special internal training course and learn the tricks of the trade from an instructor. This is how they learn how to safely hook up loads. And how to communicate well with the crane operator. Daily practical experience does the rest: the complete lifting operations at your construction site is carried out efficiently and safely, saving time and money. 

Why clients choose us

Wagenborg goes for world's first 60-tonne hybrid mobile telescopic crane

How the search for a sustainable crane led to a world first for Wagenborg.

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Balancing on a green rope: sustainability at Wagenborg Nedlift

Large equipment, horizontal, vertical and heavy transport are typical for the work of Wagenborg Nedlift. This seems to contradict the ever increasing focus on being sustainable. oBut is this true? But is this true? Johan Dorgelo, Commercial Director, explains.

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Unique lifting solutions for Amare The Hague

A new cultural building for the performing arts, Amare, is arising in the centre of The Hague, featuring a unique design.

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A selection from our construction projects

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09 July 2024 New truck for Wagenborg Nedlift

Wagenborg Nedlift continues to invest in its equipment. Therefore, a new truck was delivered in early July.

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06 June 2024 Best Practice Guide for SPMTs

“We are grateful for the exceptional support we have received from the ESTA members” (www.estaeurope.eu)

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01 May 2024 Future truck technicians work with sponsored Wagenborg truck

While students Reinder, Mica, Gijs, Rik and Daan were putting the finishing touches to the Cross truck on Friday afternoon, they were surprised by another truck. In this case it was a heavy-duty truck. Wagenborg Nedlift delivered a red DAF XF 105 with only 200,000 kilometres on the clock to ROC van Twente, location de Sumpel. That's a very nice one,' say the truck technicians of the future.

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